Hybrid Event

Munich Urban Colab
Freddie-Mercury-Straße 5
80797 München
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Join us for the final presentations of our nine DPS and Digitalschmiede Bayern teams and learn about their products and journeys on Tuesday, March 28, 9:30 am (CEST)!

***This event will be held online (Youtube Live) with an on-site public viewing at the Munich Urban Colab.***

The teams of Digitalschmiede Bayern worked on important topics for the Bavarian administration and citizens, like how a market monitoring tool can help market surveillance inspectors with checking if online shops follow the EU regulations to ensure the most effective consumer protection. How to enable data-driven decision-making by using a digital tool for assessing the economic impact of relocating public authorities?

At the same time, the teams of Digital Product School dealt with exciting topics such as how to help key personas in the manufacturing industry with reducing time spent in decision-making during their shift. Furthermore, the two teams of Digital Media Lab assist Circular Republic, UnternehmerTUM's new circular economy initiative, in being a thought leader and pacemaker in the circular economy community through their social media activities and newsletter.

These are just a few challenges the nine teams tackled in Batch#18. Learn more about their products and journeys at the Final Product Review!

Schedule (CEST):

  • 09:30 am - Intro
  • 09:35 am - Welcome by Michael Stockerl I Director DPS
  • 09:45 am - Product Reviews DPS teams
  • 10:30 am - Break
  • 10:45 am - Welcome by Dr. Hans Michael Strepp I Head of Office at Bavarian Ministry for Digital Affairs
  • 11.00 am - Product Reviews Digitalschmiede Bayern teams
  • 11:45 am - Networking & Product Booths
  • 12:30 pm - Official End

Registration is open until Sunday, March 26.

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