Munich Urban Colab
Freddie-Mercury-Straße 5
80797 Munich
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On the occasion of the 2022 Transatlantic Innovation Week, UnternehmerTUM hosts a Circular Economy theme day and networking event at the Munich Urban Colab, including a panel discussion on the role of entrepreneurial ecosystems for circularity as well as a pitch session and an exhibition of circular start-ups and initiatives.

On the occasion of the 2022 Transatlantic Innovation Week, UnternehmerTUM hosts a Circular Economy theme day and networking event at the Munich Urban Colab, including a panel discussion on the role of entrepreneurial ecosystems for circularity as well as a pitch session and an exhibition of circular start-ups and initiatives.

Initiated by the U.S. Embassy in Germany and the U.S. Consulate in Munich, the Transatlantic Innovation Week anually celebrates German-American cooperation and in 2022 sheds particular light on the topic of sustainability and green innovation. For this reason, UnternehmerTUM hosts a theme day on Circular Economy, calling entrepreneurs, innovators and trailblazers to come together in order to leverage the power of innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems for the transition from today‘s linear economy to a circular model.

In a panel discussion, leading experts will discuss the question „What‘s necessary to build tomorrow‘s circular unicorns?“ and afterwards selected circular start-ups will pitch their solutions to the audience, before the floor is opened for an exhibition of start-ups and initiatives in the Munich and German Circular Economy ecosystem.

Panelists include the recently appointed Ambassador of the United States to Germany and previously long-standing President of the University of Pennsylvania, Amy Gutmann, the Managing Director of the Circular Economy Initiative Germany, Susanne Kadner, the General Managing Director of the TUM Venture Labs, Philipp Gerbert as well as the Global Program Lead Circular Economy at Covestro, Christian Haessler, and Sebastian Daus, Co-Founder and CEO of the circular start-up FixFirst. The panel is moderated by Niclas-Alexander Mauss, Program Manager at UnternehmerTUM, CE-researcher at TUM and co-initiator of the CirculaTUM research alliance.

Schedule [live at the Munich Urban Colab]

  • 1.30 pm - Reception
  • 2.30 pm - Panel discussion
  • 3.15 pm - Pitch session
  • 3.45 pm - Exhibition of start-ups and initiatives, networking
  • 5.00 pm - End
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