For 20 years, we at UnternehmerTUM and our ecosystem have been successfully promoting new innovations - from the initial idea to the IPO.
We have many levers for this. For the next generations, we want to achieve even more. We want sustainable start-ups and key technologies to be able to make a decisive contribution to a secure future in Germany and Europe.
What do we need to achieve this? Impulses!
Impulses with clout that point the way to this future. Impulses that challenge, drive and motivate. In our campaign this year, we are bringing together high-caliber individuals and companies who actively want to improve the status quo - entrepreneurially, sustainably and humanely.
Collective Impulses
Momentum is building... Step by step, we're adding more topics and impulses by opinion leaders and innovators - starting with the topics founding and AI!

#FutureImpulses Founding

#FutureImpulses Artificial Intelligence

#FutureImpulses Family Businesses

#FutureImpulses Digitalization

#FutureImpulses Mobility

#FutureImpulses Circular Economy
We'd like to hear from you as well - take part!
You can share your personal impulse easily on Social Media: State your opinion in a post on what we need for a livable future and how we can achieve it - regarding the topic(s) that you relate to the most. Use #FutureImpulses and the respective topic-related hashtag.
We look forward to hearing from you!
#FutureImpulses Founding
It is start-ups, innovative companies, and creative people who take on the problems of our time and find solutions to climate change, pandemics, world hunger, and much more. They can turn around our world for good. We have to enable them – but how? What are the chances, challenges, and the way forward?
For 20 years now, UnternehmerTUM has successfully worked towards empowering founders together with a strong ecosystem. We believe that collaboration produces the best results. That’s why we asked people who know it best to give us their view on the future of entrepreneurship. Hear from entrepreneurs and change-makers and join in to shape the future!
Think Big to Master Big Challenges
Impulse by Gyri Reiersen - CTO Tanso
Press Releases
Hundreds of successful start-ups from UnternehmerTUM
Munich's UnternehmerTUM wants to be a role model. Similar centers in Germany are to ensure more start-ups.
How to create more start-up culture at German universities
Germany stands for scientific excellence. However, this is often not implemented in the market, and spin-offs are rare. What needs to change.
High-tech agenda at Bavaria's universities? More funding for start-ups
After many years of discussion, the reform of the "bayerischen Hochschulgesetzes" is now to be passed. Among other things, this change provides for stronger support for start-ups.
Interested in the Topic of Founding?
Do you want to develop innovations with experts in this field? Work on the future with start-ups and talented teams? Then we'll put you in touch with the right minds. And if you’d like to benefit from topic-related training, we have the right format for you and your employees.
#FutureImpulses Artificial Intelligence
In a momentous paradigm shift, artificial intelligence changes how we program and operate machines. As such, it’s also revolving our entire economic system and our understanding of it, offering promising opportunities and economic potential at the same time. What’s next, then?
Right now, Europe is lacking behind China and the U.S. What the pandemic has once again ruthlessly revealed: we need to support critical technologies better to respond to change. Nevertheless, the use of artificial intelligence must be responsible and sustainable – which is the mission of the appliedAI initiative. Our prospect is to put the wishes and needs of people at the center. The experts interviewed here describe how we can drive AI forward with this guiding star.
From Tanker to Speedboat: How to Make ‘AI Made in Germany’ a Success
Impulse by Nicole Formica-Schiller - Vorstand KI Bundesverband
Breaking New Ground - Strenghtening AI in Germany
Impulse by Dr. Andreas Liebl - Managing Director of UnternehmerTUM

“Europe is on the threshold of digital policy dependency” - Impulse by Vanessa Cann, Managing Director of KI Bundesverband

"Now we can't let ourselves be left behind" - Interview with Jonas Andrulis on Artificial Intelligence in Europe.

“Regulation Should Not Hurt Innovation” – Interview with Françoise Soulié-Fogelman about Europe’s Position in AI

Press Releases
Artificial intelligence, but sustainable and from Germany
Two southern German artificial intelligence initiatives want to join forces to challenge the dominance of China and the USA.
Interested in the Topic of Artificial Intelligence?
Do you want to develop innovations with experts in this field? Work on the future with start-ups and talented teams? Then we'll put you in touch with the right minds. And if you’d like to benefit from topic-related training, we have the right format for you and your employees.
#FutureImpulses Family Businesses
Successful companies in the hands of families are an important pillar of Germany’s economic prosperity. They stand for high quality, responsible action, a sustainable outlook, and drive innovation. We think it needs a close-knit network to strengthen these champions – and we asked this network to talk about the future of family businesses here.
For a good reason, family businesses are called our “economic backbone” as a part of German SMEs. Their share of 58% of all employees brings about more than half of the nation’s gross domestic product. Still, there are critical hurdles, including digitalization, the succession of the management, organizational restructuring, a fast-paced economy, and the need to develop novel business models. Let’s tackle them together!
Securing Prosperity and Sovereignty with Family Businesses
Impulse by Christian Mohr - Managing Director of UnternehmerTUM
Press Releases
Common cause
Cooperation SMEs with start-ups: How they come together and benefit.
Hesitant for the future
Barely average: Many family businesses are behind the curve when it comes to digitization. To remain competitive, they need committed owners.Interested in the Topic of Family Businesses?
Do you want to develop innovations with experts in this field? Work on the future with start-ups and talented teams? Then we'll put you in touch with the right minds. And if you’d like to benefit from topic-related training, we have the right format for you and your employees.
#FutureImpulses Digitalization
Digitalization in Germany has many untapped opportunities still lying ahead. Creating a world in which Europe and its organizations participate in shaping the global market is not a wish but rather a necessity. The focus of digital applications should be on adding value for humans. But what does the path to this destination look like?
Everyone has a role to play here, from politics to business, science, and government. The digital transformation is happening anyway – the question is how we can shape it beneficially. Digital applications should solve problems and make things easier. Holding their own alongside international tech giants, Germany and Europe can make their contribution to creating such products and services. Here, you’ll hear from experienced digitalization champions about how we can properly empower development teams, create applications, and use opportunities.
Boosting Digital Technology in Germany
Impulse by Thomas Zeller - Chief Digital Officer of UnternehmerTUM
Customer-centricity for Business Success
Impulse by Kamila Stanitzek - Managing Director and Co-founder of 'Die ProduktMacher'

"We Often Don't Realize the Missing of a Viable Business Model Until We Enter the Market" - Interview With Michael Stockerl, Director Digital Product School

Tech Solutions from and with the City – Interview with Clemens Baumgärtner, Head of Labor and Economic Affairs at the City of Munich

“The green transformation and the digital transformation go hand in hand” - Impulse by Constanze Hufenbecher, Chief Digital Transformation Officer at Infineon
Interested in the Topic of Digitalization
Do you want to develop innovations with experts in this field? Work on the future with start-ups and talented teams? Then we'll put you in touch with the right minds. And if you’d like to benefit from topic-related training, we have the right format for you and your employees.
#FutureImpulses Mobility
City, country, currents of traffic: our mobility patterns leave traces that are reflected in our quality of life. We need new concepts of moving from A to B that reconcile people and nature in a healthy, sustainable, and economical way.
This includes electromobility, autonomous driving, or better traffic management – but much more. The requirements are complex and affect all areas of life. How do we bring together the dimensions of space, time, health, and comfort in the long term? Find out what visions and actions these forward thinkers are already working on!
Really Making Mobility Sustainable
Impulse by Kirstin Hegner - Managing Director Digital Hub Mobility

"Road Space in Munich Needs to be Redistributed" - Interview With Georg Dunkel, Mobility Officer of the City of Munich

"Together, We are Implementing Truly Impactful, Disruptive, And Bold Ideas for the Livable City of Tomorrow" - Interview With Oliver May-Beckmann of MCube

There Can Be No "Either-Or" When it Comes to Mobility Concepts - Interview With Monika Dernai, BMW
Interested in the Topic of Mobility?
Do you want to develop innovations with experts in this field? Work on the future with start-ups and talented teams? Then we'll put you in touch with the right minds. And if you’d like to benefit from topic-related training, we have the right format for you and your employees.
#FutureImpulses Circular Economy
Producing, using, discarding: Our mainly linear economic system threatens the climate, the earth’s resources, and not least our economic prospects.
Since 2021, the EU supports a circular economy in its member states with an action plan. The aim is to not only recycle products but to share, repair, upcycle, or disassemble them. The potential is huge. How can we all contribute to that? And which initiatives already walk the talk? Meet some faces of change here and hear their stories!
Think Big to Master Big Challenges
Impulse by five founders: Felix Pörnbacher, Maximilian Redwitz, Volker Heise, Philipp Brunotte, Michael Sixl

"Sustainability is No Longer a Niche Topic" - Interview with Julia Roblick, Program Manager at RESPOND

"We Can Deliver What Policymakers are Desperately Seeking in the Face of the Energy Crisis" - Interview with Start-up Reverion

Impulse: Four Good Reasons Why the Circular Economy Must Become the DNA of Our Value Creation
Interested in the Topic of Circular Economy?
Do you want to develop innovations with experts in this field? Work on the future with start-ups and talented teams? Then we'll put you in touch with the right minds. And if you’d like to benefit from topic-related training, we have the right format for you and your employees.