For years now, UnternehmerTUM has engaged in strong and effective collaborations with foundations that drive forward innovation. Together, we develop educational and qualification concepts for entrepreneurial or technologically minded young people seeking to grow into leadership roles over the course of their career.
We also initiate projects that contribute to solving social challenges. In the future, we plan on intensifying our activities around digital education, health, personality formation, leadership and sustainability.


We are a member of Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V.
Success Stories

Empowering female innovators in Medtech

Promotion of science spin-offs in the CleanTech sector

Leadership Talent Academy

[X] MakerSpace Stipendium / Zeidler-Forschungs-Stiftung
Empowering female innovators in Medtech

Empowering female innovators in Medtech
At TUM, significantly more women than men are currently studying medicine, at approx. 62% and the proportion in the life sciences and health sciences is also over 50%.
The project "Empowering female innovators in Medtech" aims to leverage this talent potential and to create a special support program for women interested in entrepreneurship. Thanks to the support of the Margarete Ammon Foundation, it will be possible to start in 2021 with the development of a target group specific offer.
With customized workshops, a community building program and meetups, women interested in starting a business will be qualified, networked and brought into contact with female founders.
Promotion of science spin-offs in the CleanTech sector

Promotion of science spin-offs in the CleanTech sector
In the XLab CleanTech Track of the XPRENEURS Incubator, entrepreneurial scientists are supported in bringing new technologies in the CleanTech sector (e.g. construction/built environment, renewable energy, food/agriculture or new materials) from the laboratory to the market. As part of UnternehmerTUM, the largest center for start-ups and innovation in Europe, XPRENEURS offers the start-up projects mentorship, networking and access to financing partners.
The Vector Foundation was established as a corporate foundation in 2011. The foundation owns 60% of the shares in Vector Informatik GmbH and finances its activities from the dividend it receives from this stake. The Vector Foundation funds 150 projects with an average of around 12 million euros per year. Since 2011 the foundation has used more than 80 million euros for its charitable work. The Vector Foundation engages in the fields of research, education and social projects in Baden-Württemberg. The funding focuses on engineering research projects, on STEM education and on combating homelessness and youth unemployment.
Leadership Talent Academy

Leadership Talent Academy
The Leadership Talent Academy (LTA) is a (funding) partner program initiated by the Karl Schlecht Foundation for the development of "Good Leadership". The LTA is implemented in cooperation with selected universities. The target group is talented students and young leaders from the STEM sciences. KSG's goal is to provide young, talented people with access to ethical-humanistic issues in business and leadership beyond their technical education. Hereby, KSG strives for a holistic personality development of tomorrow's leaders in the sense of "Good Leadership".
[X] MakerSpace Stipendium / Zeidler-Forschungs-Stiftung

[X] MakerSpace Stipendium / Zeidler-Forschungs-Stiftung
Das Stipendienprogramm ermöglicht Studierenden der MINT-Fächer die kostenlose Nutzung der Hightech-Werkstatt UnternehmerTUM MakerSpace und die Teilnahme an den dort angebotenen Maschinenkursen.
Die Studierenden lernen im Rahmen von universitären Lehrveranstaltungen, ihr theoretisches Wissen praktisch anzuwenden. Gefördert werden zudem individuelle Projekte, bei denen Studierende, eigene Ideen umsetzen und ihr unternehmerisches Potenzial entdecken können.