FamilienunternehmerTUM has committed to strengthening German SMEs (“Mittelstand”) and thus securing Germany's innovative strength and prosperity for future generations. Our mission is to support family businesses individually in shaping sustainable change. As a long-term partner and strong network.
Audience: Family businesses, Family offices
Duration: The partnership runs for one year and can be extended.

Family businesses are the driving force behind a strong economy. They form the foundation of our economy and society. However, they are facing massive challenges:
Many family businesses are falling behind when it comes to digitalization. In order to remain competitive, committed managers, smart products, automated processes and digital business models are needed: no company can avoid technological development.
Family businesses are already committed to their employees, the environment and their region, but in many cases these are selective and not strategically interlinked initiatives.
Demographic change
SMEs are perceived as comparatively less innovative and less attractive as employers. In addition, 600,000 successions are due by 2028, but only 60,000 p.a. will be solved effectively.
Our network, which is unique in Europe, connects leading industrial companies, founders, researchers and investors and thus creates a constructive exchange in a trusting environment - tailored to each family business. Based on the values that move us collectively: Drive, responsibility, confidence.
Our partners benefit from:
We create a common understanding of current challenges and problems
- Personal Exchange
Sparring with experts - Innovation Assessment
Analysis of innovation activities - Onboarding Workshop
Analysis of status quo & development of a common target picture - Innovation Roadmap
Concrete recommendations for action
We provide easy and transparent access to the established UnternehmerTUM ecosystem.
- Events
>150 Event p.a. - Content
z.B. Studies/ White Paper/ Articles - Individual introduction to program & project offers
- Access to technologies along our 11 technology clusters; e.g. TUM Venture Labs
We provide targeted connections with relevant partners and stakeholders from the ecosystem.
- Connecting the FamilienUnternehmerTUM partners with each other
- Access to talents
>6,000 High Potentials p.a. - Access to Experts
from a wide range of disciplines and industries - Access to Capital & Investors
Together we implement tailor-made solutions with the 20+ UnternehmerTUM programs, e.g.
- Workshop formats, trainings, learning journeys
- Development of innovation structures
- Practical projects in the areas of product & business model innovation
- Development of (physical) prototypes in our prototype labs
Application Procedure
- Initial meeting: We get to know you and your company in initial discussions and create a common understanding of current challenges and complexities.
- Company partnership: You have decided to partner with FamilienUnternehmerTUM. The right step to make your company fit for the future!
- Onboarding: First, we analyze your previous innovation activities and the status quo together. From this, we develop a joint ecosystem target image.
- Follow Ups: Recap meetings on the results and recommendations. Together with our experts, we help you to prioritize our recommendations and jointly define the next steps.
- Ecosystem partnership: Welcome to the UnternehmerTUM ecosystem. After completing our Onboarding Journey, you will know the relevant teams, experts and contact persons for your specific challenges and problems. We look forward to working with you.