Leadership Talent Academy (LTA)
Find your own personal, value-driven leadership style to shape organizations built on a culture of togetherness, trust, and powerful action.
Audience: founders, PhD students, corporate innovators
Cost: We award 25 full scholarships financed by the Karl Schlecht Stiftung (KSG).
Duration: 4 months
Start: Batch #9: September 20, 2025 - January 17, 2026

We embrace change and see obstacles as opportunities. Our goal is to support you in gaining new perspectives on your way of experiencing and challenging yourself, your life, and the current situations you are handling.
What you'll get:
seven workshop days with many leadership exercises and time for reflection
expert insights through impulse lectures
companionship through individual coaching
connections to new people in similar situations
a learning environment with peer-to-peer consulting
option for participating in the "Akademie Führung und Persönlichkeit" (Academy of Leadership and Personality) together with the Munich School of Philosophy (twelve spots per batch)
Find more information on Academy for Innovators Website
The application phase for Batch#8 is closed.
Apply for the Batch#9 on May 28, 2025!
Personal Contact

The Leadership Talent Academy (LTA) is a partner program for the development of good leadership, initiated by the Karl Schlecht Foundation. Selected universities conduct the program with experts from the foundation's German network teaching it. Together, they empower talented students and young executives in STEM-related fields.
The foundation's goal is to offer prospective leaders in the high-tech industry the chance to explore ethical issues in business and leadership. Reaching beyond their specialist scientific training, it fosters these decision-makers' personal development with a holistic and humanistic approach.