Founders and Technical University of Munich (TUM) graduates Andreas Kunze, Dennis Humhal, Maximilian Hasler and Vlad Lata founded KONUX in March 2014. Prior to that, they had developed a system that combined sensor technology and AI and were wondering about potential fields of application. Many different industrial fields seemed suitable for the technology, including energy generation, factories or transportation in general.
The team quickly discovered that the railroad industry was a particularly apt field for applying this version of the Internet of Things (IoT), especially as railroad networks around the world are all very similar. This facilitated the design of generic solutions and the training of AI models for determining the state of critical component parts, e.g., in terms of rail wear. Today, KONUX is a pioneer of smart sensors, data fusion and AI-based analytics – for increasing the availability of facilities and making maintenance easier to plan.

How Has KONUX Benefited from UnternehmerTUM?
Andreas and Dennis were Manage and More participants in 2014 and had taken the Business Plan - Basics Course at UnternehmerTUM.
UnternehmerTUM became one of KONUX’s first investors.