Creating long-term value is inextricably linked to the health of our planet and our people. This is why sustainability is on the key topics at UnternehmerTUM. In this section, you will also find important publications and articles in this field.
Family Businesses & SMEs
How can companies remain viable for the future and master economic challenges? Digitalization, sustainability, and new business models are key elements that companies must integrate into their innovation strategy.

Launch: New Podcast on Family Businesses ("Schlaflose Nächte")

Digital Reboot: How the Family Office PFAFF is Driving its Digitalization with UnternehmerTUM

“The green transformation and the digital transformation go hand in hand” - Impulse by Constanze Hufenbecher, Chief Digital Transformation Officer at Infineon
At UnternehmerTUM, vision turns into real value. We present pioneering individuals and teams who are creating the future with their start-ups. We let you dive into the world of start-ups, present exciting stories and interviews with founders who have dared to take the step towards their own company.
Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI)
What are the promising technologies in artificial intelligence (AI)? How is AI changing our daily lives? We summarize research results, trends, and current applications for you – all the way from machine learning to start-up innovations.

Threat to innovation? A survey among European start-ups on the EU AI Act

Mastering the AI Culture Change in Organizations — Video Interview with Dr. Philipp Hartmann, Director of AI Strategy at appliedAI

“Regulation Should Not Hurt Innovation” – Interview with Françoise Soulié-Fogelman about Europe’s Position in AI
Movement shapes our living spaces. That is why we see clever mobility solutions as the route into the future. What will we choose: getting stuck or moving forward? Find out more about current trends such as e-mobility and bike-sharing and hear from innovation drivers about what to expect in the years to come.

There Can Be No "Either-Or" When it Comes to Mobility Concepts - Interview With Monika Dernai, BMW

"Together, We are Implementing Truly Impactful, Disruptive, And Bold Ideas for the Livable City of Tomorrow" - Interview With Oliver May-Beckmann of MCube

"Road Space in Munich Needs to be Redistributed" - Interview With Georg Dunkel, Mobility Officer of the City of Munich
Female Entrepreneurship
Inspiring female founders, encouraging success stories, a strong network for female entrepreneurs - UnternehmerTUM wants to attract more women to the tech start-up scene and support them with special offers. Read here what moves our female community and which initiatives you can benefit from.
“Their Unique Role Allows Women to Present Multi-Faceted and Invaluable Solutions”- Interview with Milena Stoycheva about Women in Urban Mobility

“My Own Company Allows Me to Implement my Creative Solution Strategies, Even if They are Crazy” – Interview with Entrepreneur Julia Davin

"To Accomplish your Goals, You have to Create a Virtuous Ecosystem" – Interview with Entrepreneur Virginie Bezot
Built Environment
Digitization is becoming increasingly important in the planning, construction, use and dismantling of buildings and infrastructures. Existing market players must rethink and reposition themselves. What does the future of the real estate and infrastructure sector look like? What trends are there and what is driving established companies and start-ups?
Venture Capital
What developments are there in the financing of early-stage start-ups in Europe? How do B2B start-ups benefit from our expertise? Important topics that move venture capitalists, as well as studies, trends and news, can be found in our focus articles.
Leadership & Tech Education
What can drive you to high-impact innovation? What are the tools you need – and which mindset is necessary? At UnternehmerTUM we combine profound knowledge with the latest develepments on agile methods like Design Thinking, Scrum, Kanban and many more. Our key topic shows interesting insights on training your own leadership skills and focus also on personal development.

“Die Gründung eines Start-ups darf nicht zulasten anderer Lebensbereiche gehen” – CareMates-Gründer Dylan Gruner über seine Erfahrung mit der Leadership Talent Academy

"The Topic of Entrepreneurship was Anything But Sexy and Cool" - Oliver Bücken About the Impact of Entrepreneurship Education

"My Inspiration Comes from my Coachees" - Interview with Franziska Heyde
Innovations for medical technology, biotechnology or the healthcare sector in general - UnternehmerTUM is active here with a wide variety of formats and initiatives. In our focus topic, we show the latest developments, trends and our commitment.