"The most successful companies in Silicon Valley are dealing with the strategic question of what the market will look like in ten years and what specific steps you can take in the next year to keep moving toward that future." - John Hagel, Business consultant and author
BEFIVE is UnternehmerTUM's innovation ecosystem for the Built Environment industry. In a vision project entitled "Building and Using Built Environment in 2030," BEFIVE partner companies worked with the Technical University of Munich to develop a vision picture that places market participants and the value cycle in an overall context and thus provides a tangible strategic orientation framework.
One of the focus topics that emerged from this project was the topic of value creation networks as a counter-design to the vertically integrated all-round provider.
In theory, a value network, also and especially in the Built Environment context, is a good thing. The network brings together a broad spectrum of market participants with real estate companies, thus enabling a wide range of services with high individualization potential. A jointly defined, standardized framework accelerates the introduction of innovative, sustainable and high-performance construction methods into the market.
By optimizing the interaction of individual processes along the value chain, production costs can be reduced. In addition, good organization and coordination between all higher- and lower-level units in the value chain is an important prerequisite for expanding the range of services offered.
What sounds like a simple solution to a multitude of problems in the construction and real estate industry – the key words here are digitalization backlog, lack of real-time communication between trades and inadequate project planning – turns out to be difficult in practice, as is so often the case. The cross-company networks of today's value creation place high demands on the cooperation and coordination of those involved.
So how can we put value networks for the built environment sector into practice to take advantage of the resulting efficiency gains for everyone?
BEFIVE has set itself the goal of creating a cross-sector culture of innovation and developing a construction kit for collaborative business models from which new ventures can emerge.
By the end of 2021, in-depth one-on-one discussions were held with industry participants, a focus group on "Business Model Building Blocks" was formed, and a workshop on "Value Web Business Models" was held.
Our Senior Consultants Benjamin Neubauer and Viktor Weber will deal with the next steps and further development of the Value Web concept in an interactive presentation on June 1, 2022 in the Forum Hall 1 at digitalBAU, the trade fair for digital solutions in the construction industry.
We look forward to seeing you there and will summarize the results of the presentation for you afterwards.