Inspiring female founders, encouraging success stories, a strong network for female entrepreneurs - UnternehmerTUM wants to attract more women to the tech start-up scene and support them with special offers. Read here what moves our female community and which initiatives you can benefit from.
The proportion of women founding their own start-ups is still shamefully low in Germany compared to start-ups founded by men. If you look into this phenomenon, the reasons are always the same: too few role models, too many barriers to financing due to prejudice and, not least, a lack of confidence among women in their own abilities. This is where we come in, for example, with our Women Start-up initiative, which not only promotes a strong network that offers women exchange and support. Here, contacts are arranged and female founders are actively suggested for the offers and formats of UnternehmerTUM.
In various networking events and talk formats, we let female entrepreneurs have their say and report on their experiences, e.g. in our Female Founder Talk. You are welcome to watch the video recording here!
Read also in our key topic what moves our female community and which initiatives you can benefit from.
Definition of "Female Entrepreneurship": The term "Female Entrepreneurship" describes the issues surrounding the founding of companies by women. It is assumed that the experiences, skills, needs and premises of female founders are partially or fundamentally different from those of their male colleagues. Since female founders are underrepresented in the start-up scene as a whole, "Female Entrepreneurship" starts here in order to promote female start-ups.
U Talk #16: The Impact of Women on the Tech Start-up Landscape
Stories related to Female Entrepreneurship
Oct 13, 2021
“Their Unique Role Allows Women to Present Multi-Faceted and Invaluable Solutions”- Interview with Milena Stoycheva about Women in Urban Mobility
Women in Urban Mobility is a joint project of UnternehmerTUM, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, CARNET Barcelona and Junior Achievement Bulgaria, funded by EIT Urban Mobility. The core team colla...

Mar 24, 2021
“My Own Company Allows Me to Implement my Creative Solution Strategies, Even if They are Crazy” – Interview with Entrepreneur Julia Davin
Julia Davin is an engineer specialized in AI and co-founder of the Munich-based AI company Masterplan Engineering. Together with her husband Alexandre, she offers customized software solutions and con...

5 Fragen an Feb 10, 2021
"To Accomplish your Goals, You have to Create a Virtuous Ecosystem" – Interview with Entrepreneur Virginie Bezot
From July-December, 2020, Virginie Bezot took part in our Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs exchange program as a so called New Entrepreneur and worked with Masterplan Engineering lead by Julia and Alex...

Jan 14, 2021
"Much More is Demanded of Women" - Interview with Park Your Truck Founder Denise Schuster
Entrepreneur Denise Schuster wants to teach young female founders how to build their own businesses with passion and dedication. In May 2020, she was honored by German Economics Minister Peter Altmaie...

Startup Story Aug 24, 2020
"I am an entrepreneur and at the same time I am Maria" - The success story of inveox
With their start-up company inveox, founded in Munich in 2017, Maria and Dominik Sievert are revolutionizing the sample receipt in histopathology. Maria Sievert is considered a role model founder in t...

5 Fragen an Oct 22, 2019
More women in the start-up scene: 5 questions to... Susanne Traugott from "Women.start.up!"
Susanne has been project leader of the Women.start.up! initiative since mid-2018. Previously, she worked for many years in the field of executive education and led the Executive MBA in Innovation and ...