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HICOOL's mission is to collaborate with world-class international investment agencies, corporations, media, universities and other institutions around the world to build, continuously improve and motivate founders to take a look into the future to reshape the planet. For this year, during the third edition of HICOOL, the goal is to present start-ups from the ecosystem of UnternehmerTUM.

HICOOL's mission is to collaborate with world-class international investment agencies, corporations, media, universities and other institutions around the world to build, continuously improve and motivate founders to take a look into the future to reshape the planet.


  • 11:30 am: presentation about UnternehmerTUM
  • 11:35 am: presentation about Zhongguancun Science Park
  • 11:40 am: presentation about HICOOL 2022 Global Entrepreneurship Competition followed by Q&A

Important Dates (online & on-site):

  • Sign up: until April 30, 2022
  • Screening: May, 2022
  • Preliminary: June-July, 2022
  • Semi-Final: July-August, 2022
  • Final: August-September, 2022

Prizes (rate 1 Euro = 7.0 RMB):

  • 1st Prize: 2 million RMB
  • 2nd Prize: 1 million RMB
  • 3rd Prize: 0.5 million RMB

Why China?

China is a country with many opportunities and challenges: 10 years ago, "Made in China" production was mainly considered "cheap", whereas for the past 5 years, "Made in China" has become increasingly known to have the advantage of being able to produce goods quickly and in mass (e.g. Apple). Nowadays, more and more user-friendly products are emerging from "Made in China" (e.g. Tiktok, Huawei, Dji, Xiaomi...).

In addition, more and more cooperation between China and Germany is emerging. For example, in 2021 there was a large investment into a Chinese synbio start-up. Furthermore, many start-ups act as suppliers for German companies in China such as NEXT 47, MICROSOFT FOR STARTUPS which landed in Beijing a long time ago.

HICOOL 2022 Global Entrepreneurship Competition is an ideal interface to promote the connection of Chinese cooperation partners, markets as well as Chinese top VCs and business networks.

Discussions on joint activities and long-term cooperation between TUM/UnternehmerTUM/Zhongguancun Science Park (Z-Park) have already started in 2021. Z-Park has an office directly in the Munich Urban Colab, which aims to build bridges between China and Germany.

The focus is on supporting talents and entrepreneurs with German and Chinese backgrounds as well as start-ups and small SMEs from China or Germany that intend to expand and/or establish mutual cooperations.

Z Park logo

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