Virtual Event


Pitch perfect! Secure the support you need to bring your vision to life. Join our training for female founders and students from all backgrounds. Learn impactful pitching, boost your presentation skills, and make pitching your superpower.

Your pitch is your time to shine. Get it right and you can secure exactly the support you need to bring your vision to life. Regardless of whether you want to pitch your research, start-up idea, project report, etc., sharpening your pitching skills is crucial to getting your audience intrigued and inspired to take action.

We invite all present and future female founders or students interested to learn how to pitch with impact from all educational and professional backgrounds. Pair your ideas with the right presentation strategy and there is no limit to how far you can go!

Sign up for this training and make pitching your superpower.

Prerequisite for participation:
To make the most out of the experience, we require you to prepare a first draft of a 3-minute pitch about an idea or a project you are passionate about and bring it with you to the training. That way, you will create the opportunity for yourself to apply your newly gained knowledge and know-how directly to your own work and interests.

In this hands-on training you will:
- learn about the must-haves of delivering an authentic and effective pitch (deck) with confidence
- develop effective communication strategies to connect better with your audience
- find out how to master the key aspects of online vs. in-person pitching

Are you ready to shine?

Trainers: Dimitra Papadopoulou, Doris Schönbeck

Trainers & Start-up Coaches at XPLORE

To register to this training you'll need to create/have an account on our training platform Cirqus.
For more information on the Women Start-up Empowerment Training Series please check out our page.

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