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Teamwork can make or break business success. But what are the essential ingredients for a thriving team culture and collaboration? This training might just be what you need to learn how to attract and enable diverse talent and steer teams toward success.

We invite all present and future female founders or students interested in the topic of team diversity from all educational and professional backgrounds. Sign up today and find out why raising a diverse team is most likely the best decision you can make for any of your endeavors.

Teamwork can make or break business success. But what are the essential ingredients for a thriving team culture and collaboration? This training might just be what you need to learn how to attract and enable diverse talent and steer teams toward success.

We invite all present and future female founders or students interested in the topic of team diversity from all educational and professional backgrounds. Sign up today and find out why raising a diverse team is most likely the best decision you can make for any of your endeavours.

In this hands-on training you will:

- discover how diversity drives great teamwork and innovation
- learn the ins and outs of building collaborative and high-performing teams
- develop your ability to increase engagement within your team and attract fitting new members for your endeavour

Trainer and facilitator: Doris Schönbeck
Team & Leadership Development Trainer & Coach @UnternehmerTUM Start-up Services

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