Munich Urban Colab
Freddie-Mercury-Straße 5
80797 München
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Find Co-Founder, Talents for your team, Support for your Start-up or just get to know a network of great people.

You're passionate about entrepreneurship and want to finally take the next step.

You're looking for a rockstar team with whom you can turn innovative ideas into action.

You're a founder looking for support for your team in the form of Co-Founders , Founder's Associates or Developer.

What do you all have in common?

You've come to the right place at Munich's first Talent Matching Night.

Whether you want to start up yourself, are looking for co-founders or support, this is the place for you.

When? Wednesday, August 2, at 4 p.m,

Where? Munich Urban Colab, Wintergarten 3rd floor south

Who? Teams and talents from XPRENEURS, Manage and More, XPLORE, Women Start-up, DPS, enactus, 180 Degrees, START Munich and other initiatives

What? Matching, Networking, Acting, Creating.

Come by and experience the unique spirit of people who move the world. Together.

Registration here: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/ta...

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