Header U Talk

Get valuable insights on how to build a hardware company from the founders of ProGlove. Paul & Thomas will take a trip down memory lane with you and give you insights on how they built a successful hardware company and their search for a grown up CEO.

This event will be held online.

Livestream: Just follow this link a few minutes early on June 23, 4 pm, and you'll get to the livestream right away.

Paul Günther
, Founder of ProGlove
Thomas Kirchner
, Founder of ProGlove
presented by Miki Yokoyama, Managing Partner of TechFounders at UnternehmerTUM

This session will be held in English.

About U Talk

Our external guests and UnternehmerTUM experts are going to discuss topics on healthcare, sustainability in start-ups, international cooperation, artificial intelligence, and much more in various online formats. Be there when they provide impulses on socially and economically relevant topics. Find an overview of our previous talks at the U Talk Subpage.

We also want to take a closer look at the latest challenges or chances and find solutions together. In subsequent Q&A sessions, you can get involved as well.

Find out more about ProGlove.

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