26. Juni 2025
13 Uhr – 14 Uhr
Virtual Event


Join our webinar for information about the contents and structure of the Executive MBA in Innovation & Business Creation!

This event will be held online.

Take the opportunity to learn about:

  • the structure and goals of the part-time program
  • the Technical University of Munich and UnternehmerTUM as program partners
  • how we integrate customized project work
  • how we foster your personal development
  • how to apply for the program

The webinar closes with a Q&A session, in which we will answer specific questions you might have about the course contents, the admission process or similar. Having registered for the webinar, you will receive instructions on how to join the session.

Monatliche Updates

Eure Prise Gründungskultur: Bleibt up to date mit Neuigkeiten aus dem UnternehmerTUM-Netzwerk und Veranstaltungstipps und erfahrt von Start-ups, die aktuell durchstarten.
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