Verena Pausder Querformat
15 Oktober 2024

Preparations are in full swing: UnternehmerTUM's most important start-up event, the Ulimate Demo Day, will give an insight into Germany's most promising innovations on December 10! In a short interview, one of our highlight speakers, Verena Pausder, explains why the UDD is not just any old pitch event and why start-ups are needed more than ever.

Why are start-ups more important than ever, in your opinion?

Start-ups are more important than ever because innovation, agility, and their positive hands-on spirit are desperately needed to give our staggering country a positive push into the future. In these challenging times, Germany needs an entrepreneurial awakening to revitalize our economy and maintain our position as a center of innovation.

Start-ups are the best mechanism to quickly bring scientific breakthroughs into entrepreneurial practice.

Verena Pausder

What can we expect from Ultimate Demo Day?

The Ultimate Demo Day is a unique opportunity to witness innovation in action and be part of shaping our future. The start-ups pitching here aren't just any ideas - they're cutting-edge technologies and solutions addressing the biggest challenges of our time. From AI and sustainable cities to health tech and energy solutions, you'll get a front-row seat to the innovations that will shape our world in the coming years.

Why is it important for you to support the event?

Start-ups are the best mechanism to quickly bring scientific breakthroughs into entrepreneurial practice. That’s what is proven at the Demo Day - and that's exactly what Germany needs: companies based on highly complex technology that others cannot easily establish or copy.

Thank you very much for the interview!

About Verena Pausder:

Verena Pausder is a leading advocate for digital education and a driving force in the German startup scene. As Chairwoman of the German Startup Association, she champions entrepreneurial passion, economic responsibility, and a thriving German business ecosystem.

She has been actively involved in the startup community for over thirteen years. She founded Digitale Bildung für Alle e.V. in 2017 to promote equal access to digital education for all children. She is also the co-founder of the women's football team FC Viktoria Berlin, aiming to lead the team to the 1st Bundesliga and drive progress in women's football.

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